The proverb
says “Parents are the first teacher and teachers are the second parent”
parents play an important role in shaping the character of their children.
Bringing up
children is an art and is almost like sowing a seed, watering it, fencing when
it grows, periodical manuring and using pesticides if needed in due course of
time. Parents have to see that their children should grow in an atmosphere that
makes them good and successful citizen.
It is very true that the parents
eagerly desire that their children will be well educated and well settled in
their lives. While doing so they are not expecting anything in return from them
at a later period. Usually the parents are the role models for their children.
It is the real fact that the seeds of bitter guard will never produce plant
with sweet fruits. Those people with antisocial (bad) qualities can never
expect their children to be good. Therefore, it is the first and foremost
responsibility of a parent to come forward for self sacrifice and detach all
bad qualities of their character. Then only they can mould their children’s
character or behavior.
There are some other important
aspects which parents should keep in mind in the interest of the overall
development of their children.

The greatest drawback in nature of human being is
delivering percepts without practice. Everyone is preacher but very few are
followers. The ideal and strong man is one who follows what he preaches.
Weak are those who talk through their life and noble ideal are those who walk
through life. So you must
always have ideal person in your mind and make the greatest possible efforts
for achieving the same.